ATC Legal
ATC Design is registered and based in Almere, the Netherlands ("ATC", "we", "us" or "our"), from where it renders an online platform service (the "Service") on its website (the "Website") and is supported internationally.
For all questions about ATC, MyATC App and the other external Services (i.e. the online Platform service) and the Website or if you wish to send or serve any documents, correspondence, notices or other communications in respect of ATC Design, the Service, the Website, or for press enquiries, please contact ATC Design directly via the below contact information.
ATC Design does not accept or assume any domicile at any other place, location or office in the world (also not at the office of its support companies), other than its registered office in Almere. The support companies do not operate and are not authorized to act as any form of process or service agent of ATC Design.
Host Provider:
ATC Visitors’, ATC Users’ and Users-of-Users’ Personal Information may be maintained, processed and stored by Wix and authorized affiliates and service providers in the United States of America, in Europe (including in Lithuania, Germany and Ukraine), in Israel, and in other jurisdictions as necessary for the proper delivery of Services and/or as may be required by law.
Prinzessinnenstr. 19-20
10969 Berlin
Germany - Europe
The company has its headquarters and ATC is registered in Paris, France where its provides online accommodation service on its website , and is supported at European level by these subsidiaries and partners. They bring only an internal support to ATC . They do not provide the service and do not have , do not run and do not administer the Website or any other website.
For any question about ATC Service (that is to say the service accommodation online) and the website or if you want to send or deliver documents , correspondence , notices or other communications ATC concerning the Service , the Website or press requests , please contact directly : info@atc - c.com
ATC does not endorse or accept any other domiciliation in any other place , office or place in the world ( or in the offices of local offices ) than its headquarters in Almere and Baie-Mahault . Offices / premises do not operate and are not authorized to act as an authorized agent or representative of ATC service. No service can be performed in or through these companies.
* CEO: A.M Teplier
Terms of Use
These terms and conditions , which are subject to change from time to time , apply to all our services available directly or indirectly (through our partners) online, by e -mail or by phone. By accessing our website or any other platform (collectively referred to as "the Website") , by carrying out research , using it and / or are making a reservation , you acknowledge having read these terms of use and our privacy policy , understand the scope and accept.
1. Scope of our service
Through this website we (ATC and its distribution partners) provide an online portal with several types of accommodation.
Our services are available only for private , non-commercial use . So you can not sell , use, copy , monitor (eg , through a crawler or catch screen data) , display, download , reproduce, or deep linking to any content or any information, software and / or any products or services available on our website as part of an activity or a commercial or competitive purpose.
2. Confidentiality of information and cookies
ATC respects your privacy.
3. free
Our ecological service is free. Unlike many other companies , we do not charge for our service and we do not add any extra cost.
4. Disclaimer
Accordance with the limits set out in these terms and conditions and permitted by law , we can not be held responsible if you have suffered, paid or suffered direct damage can be attributed to a failure of our obligations under our services.
Nevertheless, and to the extent permitted by law, neither we nor our directors, officers, employees, representatives , subsidiaries, distributors, partners ( distribution ) , sub-license holders , agents or others involved in creating , sponsoring, promotion or provision of the site and its contents can not be held responsible for any loss or punitive, special, indirect or consequential damages, loss of production, loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of business opportunity loss or damage to brand or reputation , or loss of the right to compensation; any inaccuracies related to the (descriptive) information of the institution ( including its prices, its availability and its ranking ) made available on our website Internet , all services or products offered by the hotel and all damages, losses and costs ( punitive, special , indirect or consequential ) suffered, incurred or paid by you, caused by , arising out of or related to use of our website Internet , the impossibility of the use or operation of the slowdown , or ( v) any injury , death, property damage or other loss, damage or costs (direct , indirect, special , consequential or punitive ) suffered, sustained or paid by you , whether due to acts (legal) , errors , breaches , neglect (severe) , deliberate misconduct , omissions , non-performance of contract, denaturation of facts, wrong or strict liability attributable wholly or partly to the institution ( its employees, its officers, officials, agents, representatives or affiliates) , or other event beyond our control.
5. Intellectual property rights
Unless otherwise stated, the software required for our services or available on our website and used by the latter, as well as intellectual property rights (including copyrights) of the contents, information and material on our website are the exclusive property of ATC , its suppliers or providers.
ATC remains the sole owner of all rights, title and interest (relating to all intellectual property rights ) website ( layout, and including infrastructure ) on which the service is available (customers reviews and translations included) . Therefore, you are not allowed to copy, create links ( hyper or deep ) to our content , publish, promote, market , integrate or otherwise use our content ( including translations and scores ) or our brand without our express written permission . Insofar as you use ( some or all of ) our content ( translations and customer comments included ) or détiendriez of intellectual property rights on our website , our content (translated ) or customer comments, you need to assign, and transfer these rights to ATC . Illegal use or above action shall constitute a material breach of our intellectual property rights (copyright law and on the basis of data included).
6. Others
According to the law , these Terms of Use and our service conditions are subject to and governed by French law. Any dispute arising under these terms and conditions and our services shall exclusively be brought to the attention of the competent authorities in Paris in France
The original version of these Terms and Conditions of Use was written in English before being translated into other languages. These translations are done internally provided only as a courtesy and are not authentic . In case of dispute about the contents or interpretation of these terms and conditions or in the event of inconsistency or discrepancy between the English version and a translated version , the English version shall prevail and shall prevail. The English version is available on our website ( by selecting the interface in English) and it can be sent upon written request from you.
If any provision of these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid, unenforceable or non- binding , you remain bound by all other provisions set out in these conditions. If this is the case, the invalid provisions shall be applied in the possible limits of the law and you agree to comply with provisions that would have the same effect as the invalid , unenforceable terms or non- binding of these terms and conditions of use.
7. About ATC and local offices
Service accommodation is provided by ATC , a real civil society registered In Almere and Baie-Mahault . Local offices provide only part of domestic support for and on behalf ATC and some of them offer limited assistance to customers ( only by telephone) services. Local offices have no website (and do not administer or manage does not host or maintain the website) and have no power and authority to provide the service or to represent ATC to enter a contractual relationship on behalf of or for ATC . You have no relationship ( legal or contractual ) with Local Offices . They do not operate and are not authorized to act as an authorized agent or representative of ATC service. ATC does not endorse or accept any other domicile in any other place , office or place in the world ( or in local offices ) than its headquarters.
Questions and contact:
Contact us or send us an email to: info@atc-c.com
ATC Design Netherlands
Design Studio
Transistorstraat 48G20
1322 CG, Almere
The Netherlands
KVK: 72065281
BTW: NL002454572B93
Design Studio
1920 Rue Sostene Gendrey
97122 Baie-mahault
Guadeloupe - France
Siret: 889 078 663 00016
Code APE: 7410Z
VAT: FR35889078663